Titanfall 2 registry

Posted under Games by Andersson799

Registry files for Titanfall 2

Thanks to SubSonix for the Origin and uninstaller parts

Customize this registry
This is for 64-bit software. Only use this if you are using a 64-bit version of Windows.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Titanfall 2 registry
; Generated by RegFiles.net
; https://www.regfiles.net/registry/titanfall-2-registry

"DisplayName"="Titanfall™ 2"
"Product GUID"="{4BD80373-FEE7-45B6-8249-6E8E98717405}"
"Install Dir"=""

"DisplayName"="Titanfall® 2"

"DisplayName"="Titanfall™ 2"
"UninstallString"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\EAInstaller\\Titanfall2\\Cleanup.exe\" uninstall_game -autologging"
"Publisher"="Electronic Arts, Inc."
"HelpLink"="\\Support\\EA Help\\Technical Support.en_US.rtf"

The uninstaller is generated automatically. If you have other apps or games made by the same company or developer, this may also remove registry required for those. Please check the registry below before using it.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Titanfall 2 registry
; Generated by RegFiles.net
; https://www.regfiles.net/registry/titanfall-2-registry





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